Saturday, June 25, 2016

Review: You Know Me Well

You Know Me Well You Know Me Well by Nina LaCour
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I definitely enjoyed this book, and both of the main characters, Mark and Kate, were wonderfully done. I could relate to them both, and in particular, I understood Mark and his ideas about relationships. Kate was reckless at times, but I understood her tendency to run just as things were getting good, in part out of fear. I loved how romantic relationships were going on in the book, but the primary focus was Kate and Mark's friendship. Without spoiling anything, there was one part of the book that had me crying right in the middle of the airplane last night, as I was surrounded by strangers who had no idea what brought me to tears. If you've ever had unrequited love with your best friend, feared your own success, doubted yourself as an artist, or been great friends with a couple despite being the third wheel because they just don't make you feel like one since the connection is great with them both (yes, all of these described/describe me), then you'll understand this book. It's awesome. Even though two authors wrote the book, the writers and editor did an excellent job of making it flow as one voice. I thought the ending was a bit anti-climatic, and that was my only disappointment. However, as a heterosexual/"straight" person, it might be hard for me to relate to a pinnacle ending that involves a pride parade and coming out" for one character, although I did appreciate the bond between those involved in the last scenes. Overall, a very well done book that celebrates love of all kinds.

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