Sunday, June 26, 2016

Review: Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here

Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here by Anna Breslaw
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this book! It suits me in part because of my interest in fandom, speculative fiction, and fan fiction, and in part because I'm very similar to the protagonist in some ways. I was an overachiever in high school and got good grades, unlike Scarlett, and I did not grow up with a poor single parent, although I have family members who did and have heard their stories. But like Scarlett, I sat at the "genius table" at lunch but had a few friends in the popular click, but I definitely wasn't popular, so I floated a bit and didn't always know where I stood with people. (Adult me still feels like she has these struggles at times). I have secret/not so secret nerdy interests, and I'm fiercely protective of the people who I care about, and I'm not afraid to call people out on their crap, which often makes them mad at first, but then they usually do admit that they are wrong...and I have to admit when I am to high on my horse...all of which are true of Scarlett. Also, Scarlett and I both have struggled with both superiority and inferiority complexes, which I totally relate to, and she eventually learns to see herself more accurately. She has a complex family, as do I, yet she eventually learns to appreciate them for what they bring to the table, which every teen goes through at some point. Her batty old lady friend Ruth reminds me of my Gran, so I loved their friendship. The plot line of this book was so original and fresh that I devoured it quickly! Also, I can relate to the struggle of being honest in one's writing without hurting the people you love. This book was real, and amazing, and if you were/are the oddball girl who loves to write, or the small town person who wanted to get out, then you should read it...and even if you're not, you'll still love it.

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