Sunday, June 5, 2016

Review: Paper Girls, Vol. 1

Paper Girls, Vol. 1 Paper Girls, Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I read this book for my comics/graphic novel book club at Avid bookshop, and I thought it was fun. I liked the supernatural/fantastic/possible extraterrestrial slant to it, which seems to be a common theme in books and comics that I enjoy. Since I was born in the early 80s, I only vaguely remember some of the historical and pop culture references of 1988, but I appreciated them. In particular, I love how Michael Dukakis was referred to, as that was the first presidential election that I remember my parents discussing. Also, at the end of the book (without revealing too much) there's a time shift to 1999. So, I can't wait to read the next volume to see how the series depicts the later end of my teen years. :) The characters of the story are interesting and captivating, and I like the larger theme of trying to hold onto one's youth.

View all my reviews

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