Sunday, June 11, 2017

Review: Spill Zone

Spill Zone Spill Zone by Scott Westerfeld
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I liked this novel. I wouldn't say I LOVED it, like the Uglies and some of Westerfeld's other works, but I enjoyed the read. I thought the art work was brilliant, and there were a lot of subtle details that helped the narrative arc of the story. I thought the central idea of the story was interesting and timely, as it is important to consider the effects of environmental damage and corrupt leadership. I felt like I wanted to get to know the main character better, though, and overall, I thought the character development was a bit lacking. The end of the book definitely has hinted at a sequel, though, so I hope to get to know the characters better. I did enjoy the plot line overall, and the suspense of the story kept me reading. It was an intriguing blend of Dystopian fiction and horror, two of my favorite genres. Also, I loved the idea of photography as a form of narrative, an idea I want to continue to explore in my writing and scholarship.

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