Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Review: The Beauty Myth

The Beauty Myth The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was interesting. It got a bit repetitive/redundant at times, and some of the ideas were ones I had read or heard before in my Women's Studies classes. But there were some discussion points that my colleague and I found interesting, as we read the book together for a feminist theory study group. In particular, I was interested in the idea of plastic versus cosmetic surgery, religion and sexuality, the diet industry as a mechanism of control, and why society is overly concerned with thinness for women. If women are hungry, we are not as likely to have the energy to be activists. That is something to consider when we live in political times that are at least on the border of extreme conservative, if not crossing that threshold. Being healthy is great, but being healthy and being small are not always one in the same. In fact, we as women should be going to the gym and walking now to stay strong and be up for the fight. A good and timely read for me!

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