Saturday, November 26, 2016

Review: Forget Me Always

Forget Me Always Forget Me Always by Sara Wolf
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I am curious to go back and read the first book now because I think I would appreciate the series as a whole more if I started from the beginning. That said, as a stand-alone book, I was lukewarm about it as a thirty-something adult, but I can understand why a lot of teenagers enjoy it. I really liked Isis as a character. She is witty and sharp, even at the beginning of the book when she's overcoming amnesia and physical trauma. Some reviewers are saying they did not like Sophia. I mainly felt sorry for her. I felt like she had a big heart that had been twisted and broken a few too many times, and as a result, she was mean to people as a defense mechanism. It wasn't always right, but I understand the reflex. Jack annoyed me at times, but I still cared about him.
The writing style was engaging, but plot wise, I lost interest about halfway through because some elements of the mystery became too obvious. Also, I felt that there were more characters than were really necessary to keep the plot moving along. However, I can appreciate Jack and Isis's relationship. They have a strong connection and are trying to figure out what they are to each other in terms of a romance. That resonated with me. Isis goes through very real struggles as a teenager and as a woman: body image issues, trauma, men who treat her badly. I felt for her, and I appreciate the book being brave enough to tackle some of these issues. Overall, it was solid; not great, but solid. I think it would be worth having in high school libraries, and some young college students would enjoy it as well.

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