Friday, April 22, 2016

Review: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: No Future for You

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: No Future for You Buffy the Vampire Slayer: No Future for You by Brian K. Vaughan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I definitely haven't always liked Faith, but it was nice to see her make a comeback in this book. I am intrigued about what happened between her and Robin Wood, who was one of my favorite characters in Season 7 of the TV show, and I hope that plot gets developed more in upcoming episodes of the comic. I thought the references to fantasy gaming were clever, and I could appreciate them even though I am not a gamer myself. Honestly, I do not like Kennedy, so I will be interested to see what does or does not happen between her and Willow. I was also excited that the backstory of what made Dawn a giant came out more, and I love seeing how her rapport with Xander evolves. Xander is definitely a character I have grown to appreciate more over time, so I am excited to see more of him in the comic series. I love the art work in this volume, and I loved it even more than 8.1. This book was a win and has me yearning for more of the Buffyverse!

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