Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Review: Turtles All the Way Down

Turtles All the Way Down Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 1/2 stars really. I loved the storyline, and I could relate to both Aza and her best friend Daisy, for different reasons. This book is about a teenage girl who struggles with anxiety and OCD, and I think in many ways, she's a female version of the author himself, based on hearing him speak several times. The part of the book I most connected with is the friendship between Aza and Daisy. These two women have tension between them, just like any relationship where the investment level is high. But they have staying power when their romantic/dating relationships don't work out, and they stick by each other. I loved how Daisy uses fanfic to both convey her love for Star Wars and to cope with challenging aspects of her life. I love how Aza realizes that although her anxiety and issues are not her fault, she needs to learn to be more in tuned to people, including her best friend.
I could definitely relate to the romantic chemistry between Davis, although I do think this is the part of the book that could have been developed more. Davis's poetry and blogs helped me to understand him better, but I wanted more, in terms of their feelings for each other and why they connected. That said, I appreciated his patience with Aza and also his dedication to his younger brother. The mystery element behind Davis's father's disappearance added an intriguing conspiracy theory aspect to the novel.
Overall, to be honest, this was not my favorite of John Green's novels, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. I appreciated the laugh out loud humor, as always, and Aza's quest for self-understanding.

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