Saturday, July 16, 2016

Review: Investigating Firefly and Serenity: Science Fiction on the Frontier

Investigating Firefly and Serenity: Science Fiction on the Frontier Investigating Firefly and Serenity: Science Fiction on the Frontier by Rhonda V. Wilcox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've been cherry picking this book, but the chapters I've read are very helpful to my academic work and also entertaining for me to read as a "Browncoat." In particular, I enjoyed Chapter 4 "The threat of the 'Good Wife': Feminism, Postfeminism, and Third-Wave Feminism in Firefly" by Laura L. Beading, Chapter 7's discussion of the Dystopia genre, and Tanya Cochran's Chapter (19) about fan culture. If you're interested in feminism, speculative fiction, and fan culture as applied to Joss Whedon's work, check it out.

View all my reviews

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