Saturday, January 9, 2016

Review: Wonder Women: Feminisms and Superheroes

Wonder Women: Feminisms and Superheroes Wonder Women: Feminisms and Superheroes by Lillian Robinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I very much enjoyed this book because it touched on several of my interests: female representation in comics, feminism, postmodernism in comics, and the history of comics. I learned a lot about Wonder Woman that will be helpful to me in my research, and her history in particular is fascinating. I enjoyed her analysis of other female characters in comics, such as the Incredible She-Hulk, Supergirl, and Storm, although I think some of it could have gone more in depth. In particular, I think she could have talked more about intersectionality and how it applies to the characters she discussed. Her application of Judith Butler's gender theories was very beneficial to me, though. The book was accessible and interesting to read, and although it was short, it packed a lot of good information into less than 140 pages. I would recommend it to people who are interested in feminist theory and comics.

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