Sunday, February 18, 2018

Review: Angel & Faith: Death and Consequences

Angel & Faith: Death and Consequences Angel & Faith: Death and Consequences by Christos Gage
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So far, Volume 3 Family Reunion has been my favorite of this series, but I enjoyed Volume 4 as well. It was interesting to get a taste of Giles's past life as "The Ripper" and only wish I could have learned more about his early years. I definitely appreciated the chemistry between Spike and Faith as shown in this Volume. I've always been Team Angel, but Spike has grown on me during the course of reading the Buffyverse comics. Angel and Faith both have narratives of redemption, so I think they make a great duo. I can't wait to see where the series takes me next.

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Review: Black Panther: World of Wakanda

Black Panther: World of Wakanda Black Panther: World of Wakanda by Roxane Gay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I absolutely love Roxanne Gay's writing, and this book was no exception. The writers are all so witty and brilliant; the interactions between Ayo and Aneka were so powerful. The art work really took me to the World of Wakanda, and I enjoyed getting the female perspective on Black Panther events. I was sorry to hear that the series got cancelled and am convince that it would have kept going had it been released about now. This book definitely is full of feminist power, and I recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good love story, empowered female protagonists, and futuristic societies.

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Review: Black Panther #1

Black Panther #1 Black Panther #1 by Ta-Nehisi Coates
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I literally read this book in one sitting! The art work of this book is amazing, and I really enjoyed the world building of Wakanda. Since I am new to the Black Panther narrative, it took me a while to sort out the characters. But I loved the story, and in particular, T'Challa's relationship with his mother resonated with me. I now look forward to reading more about Afrofuturism and to seeing the new movie! Diverse representation is so important, and I believe this comic series and the movie will be game changers. Also, I am now going to put this book on my classroom shelf in hopes that my students will fall in love with it too. I have some seventh graders who love comics, and this story is so compelling!

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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Review: Angel & Faith: Family Reunion

Angel & Faith: Family Reunion Angel & Faith: Family Reunion by Christos Gage
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I loved this volume, and it's been my favorite of this series so far. Willow is my favorite female character from Buffy, so I was glad to see her reappear, even if only for a short while. Faith's complicated thought process gets a glimpse, although she's clearly changed. I know not all fans feel this way, but I've always loved Connor as a character, so I loved the interaction between Father and Son. A part of me wishes they could be closer, but I know that Angel wants to keep Connor safe and to give him a chance to live a relatively normal, fulfilling life. This volume had some great extended metaphors about revisiting the demons of our past, both literal and metaphorical. I am not sure how I feel about Angel's quest, but apparently, the next volume will teach us more about Giles, so I am excited about it. I loved the bonus material in this volume because it gave more backstory behind Angel as Twilight and his history with Whistler. Definitely a worthwhile read!

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