Friday, January 26, 2018

Review: Pride and Joy

Pride and Joy Pride and Joy by Brian K. Vaughan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This volume was enjoyable to read for comics book club. It has a diverse cast and a narrative that I tend to enjoy, adolescents who are trying to create their own "family" amid a friend group and separate themselves from their parents in terms of life choices and values. The subversive aspect of this book is that their parents are super villains rather than superheroes, and they literally have to run away for safety sake. I look forward to continuing with this series and to learning more about the powers that the kids have. I can already tell there's sexual tension in the group, and I like that because it keeps the story interesting. There are moments in the story that are a bit farfetched, but since it's in a superhero universe and in LA, I was able to go with it. Brian K. Vaughan is a very witty writer, and the artwork grows and evolves with each issue.

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