Monday, October 10, 2016

Review: Cosplayers

Cosplayers Cosplayers by Dash Shaw
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this book and thought it was a lot of fun. I'm noticing that it's getting mixed reviews. I think people who are into fandom/nerd culture, like me, are more likely to relate to the stories. Also, it is a certain brand of humor: wry, witty, a little snarky and sarcastic at times, so it worked for me. It is a pretty accurate snapshot of CONs, cosplay events, comic shops, and who tends to frequent them. I needed a good laugh during this political season, and this book accomplished that goal for me. I recommend it. Dash Shaw and I are roughly the same age, so I'm impressed at how much he's done in his writing and creative career. It motivates me!

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