Saturday, March 31, 2018

Review: The Wendy

The Wendy The Wendy by Erin Michelle Sky
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Reviews to follow in both JoLLE and School Library Journal, but...for now I will say that I loved this book! Wendy is a sixteen-year-old sassy, smart, and strong sixteen-year-old young woman in the late 1700s in England in this version of the story. She wants to be a sea captain, but she's told that as a woman, this route is not an option for her. So she does the next best for a military fleet. In her new position, she meets Peter Pan himself and has to report to the revered Captain Hook. Over time, Wendy realizes that the line between good guys and bad guys isn't always black and white and that Peter Pan might be more complex than the criminal that Hook makes him out to be. For anyone who loves fairy tale retellings and YA fantasy book, especially with empowered female protagonists, I would highly recommend this book and can't wait for the next installment. :)

View all my reviews

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